Den Kits

 Need quick and easy programming? We've got you covered! Come rent a Den Kit filled with supplies for each Den's requirements! (excluding faith-based requirements) Kits include unique items to help facilitate learning and consumables such as coloring supplies/paper/glue! Each kit includes instructions for that specific requirement, a condensed 1 page Instruction sheet, and many of the supplies needed to do the activites. Some kits even have items for the Scouts to keep! 


Now, anyone can put on a Den Meeting! Its as easy as 1,2,3! 

To Reserve and/or check out, fill out the form below. 




Bobcat Fun on the Run
Mountain Lion Lions Roar
King of the Jungle  


Bobcat Tiger's Roar
Team Tiger Tiger Bites
Tigers in the Wild Tiger-Iffic!


Bobcat Council Fire
Paws on the Path Safety in Numbers
Running with the Pack Adventures in Coins
Germs Alive- Coming Soon!  



Bobcat Bear Strong
Bear Habitat Standing Tall
Paws for Action Forensics- Coming Soon!
Marble Madness- Coming Soon! Whittling
Baloo the Builder   


Bobcat My Community
My Safety Art Explosion
Stronger,Faster,Higher Webelos Walkabout
Earth Rocks!  

Arrow of Light

Bobcat Outdoor Adventurer
Personal Fitness Citizenship
First Aid Knife Safety 

Other Materials available


Craft Supplies Binocculars/Magnifying Glasses
Personal Whiteboards Knot Tying 
Skits song book

Obstacle Course

Planting Supplies  

File Name Description
Den Kit Samples Download
Den Kit Samples Download