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Scouting Alumni and Friends
The Scouting Alumni and Friends National Committee needs training for Scout executives, Council Scouting Alumni and Friends National Committee chairs, and anyone interesting in learning more about Scouting Alumni and Friends. Working with the training committee of Scouting Alumni and Friends, Scouting U has developed online training in the Member Learn Center to meet the needs of the local council, area, and region. Not sure how to get back involved? Check out becoming a Scouting Alumni.
Opportunities to Volunteer
There are many ways that you can help Scouting in your area. To check time sensitive volunteering opportunities for upcoming programs please take a look at our Gateway Area Council Facebook page. Whether you are volunteering directly with Scouts or helping out behind the scenes, you can make an impact on the lives of Scouts by volunteering your time.
How can you help? Here are a few ideas:
Assisting directly with the Scouts on an ongoing basis:
- Leader (Cubmaster, Den leader, Scoutmaster, Venturing crew Advisor)
- Assistant leader
- Board of review coordinator/member
- Court of honor coordinator/member
Helping directly with the Scouts in specific events or activities:
- Event coordinator/event committee member
- Pinewood derby coordinator/committee member
- Service project coordinator/committee member
- Camping trip participant
- Banquet coordinator/committee member
- Day camp coordinator/participant
- Summer camp coordinator/participant/promotion
- Merit badge counselor
Support: Administrative Role
- Advancement committee chair/member
- Communications committee chair/committee member (Webmaster, PR, newsletter)
- Secretary: recordkeeping, activity permits, meeting minutes, etc
- Treasurer/assistant treasurer
- Youth Protection training coordinator
- Life to Eagle coordinator
- Merit badge coordinator
Support: Other
- Chartered organization representative
- Friends of Scouting coordinator (fund-raising)
- Unit committee chair/member
- Unit youth recruiter
- Product sales committee coordinator/member
- Promoter of district/council events to parents
- Religious award committee coordinator/member
- Trainer District/council committee member
- Transportation coordinator
- Historian Quartermaster (supplies)
- Camp Decorah Ranger/upkeep crew
Every Scout Deserves A Trained Leader
The Boy Scouts of America relies on dedicated volunteers to promote its mission of preparing young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetime by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Today, nearly 1.2 million adults provide leadership and mentoring to Cub Scouts, Scouts B.S.A., and Venturers. Through the dedication of these many trained volunteers, the Boy Scouts of America remains the foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training in America. To these volunteers we would like to say thank you for your dedication to Scouting.
Required Adult Leader Training
- Youth Protection Training - YPT
- Introduction to Outdoors Leaders Skills - ITOLS
- Hazardous Weather - HW
- Wilderness First Aid (high adventure activities) - WFA
Recommended Adult Leader Training
- Scoutmaster Position-Specific Training
- Leave No Trace (outdoor ethics) - LNT
- Safe Swim Defense
- Safety Afloat
- Climb On Safely
- Trek Safely
Other Adult Leader Training Opportunities
- University of Scouting - University of Scouting
- District Roundtables
There are so many ways to support Scouting
- Friends of Scouting
- Special Events
- Popcorn Sale
- Endowments
- Memorials
- A Place To Give (BSA site)
- Needs List
- Special Appeal / Capital Specific Projects
- Skills & Professional Needs List
- Anonymous Gift Donation
- Donate Now or Amazon Smile