Scouts BSA Leader Info & Training
Thank you for being a leader and this prayer is just for YOU!
Scouter's Prayer: Dear Lord, from your judgment seat on high, look down on a Scouter such as I. Search me through and find me whole, then help me Lord to reach my goal. Help me Lord to work for Thee. Guard my homeland - keep it free. Help me to work with others and be kind; helpful with my hands and mind. Keep me Lord, both well and strong to help our growing scouts along. Control my thoughts, keep them right, sound, clean weapons for life's fight. Protect my morals, keep them high, grant this to a Scouter such as I.
Every Scout Deserves A Trained Leader
The Boy Scouts of America relies on dedicated volunteers to promote its mission of preparing young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetime by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Today, nearly 1.2 million adults provide leadership and mentoring to Cub Scouts, Scouts B.S.A., and Venturers. Through the dedication of these many trained volunteers, the Boy Scouts of America remains the foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training in America. To these volunteers we would like to say thank you for your dedication to Scouting.
Adult Leader Application
Click Here to View the Adult Leader Application
Required Adult Leader Training
- Youth Protection Training - YPT
- Introduction to Outdoors Leaders Skills - ITOLS
- Hazardous Weather - HW
- Wilderness First Aid (high adventure activities) - WFA
Recommended Adult Leader Training
- Scoutmaster Position - Specific Training
- Leave No Trace (outdoor ethics) - LNT
- Safe Swim Defense
- Safety Afloat
- Climb On Safely
- Trek Safely
- Wood Badge
Merit Badge Counselor Training
In order to register, merit badge counselors are expected to complete BSA Youth Protection. This training can be done through The BSA’s Online Learning Center
For more information, consult the Guide for Merit Badge Counseling, No. 512-065 or Merit Badge Counselor Information, No. 34405
Other Adult Leader Training Opportunities
- University of Scouting
- District Roundtables
Youth Leader Training
- Den Chief Training Conference - DCTC
- Introduction to Leadership Skills (Troop and Crew) - ILST or ILSC
- National Youth Leadership Training - NYLT
- Kodiak Challenge - KChal
- National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience - NAYLE