Scouts BSA Parent Info
Roles in a BSA Scout Troop
All adult leaders must be 21 years of age, and approved by the Troop Committee. There are various Roles a parent or adult can take within the BSA Scout Troop, here are some examples.
Scoutmaster - The Scoutmaster (SM) is the adult responsible for working directly with the Scouts providing direction, coaching, and support.
The Scoutmaster has three basic roles:
- providing the the youth leaders with the tools and skills so they can run the troop
- making sure the rules of the BSA and chartered partner are followed
- being a good mentor and positive role model
Assistant Scoutmaster - An assistant Scoutmaster is an adult leader over the age of 18 who helps the Scoutmaster deliver the promise of Scouting. Each assistant Scoutmaster is assigned specific program duties. They can serve the troop by guiding a particular patrol to which they’ve been assigned, advising certain Scouts who’ve assumed a position e.g. Quartermaster, OA Representative, Chaplain's Aide, or fill in as necessary to assure the youth leaders have what they need to run things. hey also provide the two-deep leadership required by the Boy Scouts of America . An assistant Scoutmaster may be 18 years old, but at least one in each troop should be 21 or older so he or she can serve in the Scoutmaster’s absence.
Committee Chair -The troop committee chair is appointed by the chartered organization to see that all committee functions are carried out. The troop committee chairman appoints and supervises the unit committee and unit leaders, and organizes the committee to see that all committee responsibilities are delegated, coordinated and completed.
Committee Members - The troop committee is a cross between a board of directors and a parent support group. It sets troop policies and handles administrative functions, allowing the Scoutmaster and assistant Scoutmasters to focus on working directly with the Scouts.
Chartered Oranization Representative - The Chartered Organization Representative (COR) is the direct contact between the unit and the Chartered Organization. This individual is also the organization’s contact with the District Committee and the Local Council. The chartered organization representative may become a member of the district committee and is a voting member of the council. If the chartered organization has more than one unit, one representative serves them all. The Chartered Organization Representative appoints the Unit Committee Chairman.
Required Adult Leader Training
Every registered leader receives a background check and is required to take and renew Youth Protection Training. For details on No One on One Contact and Two Deep Leadership review the BSA's Youth Protection at this link.
Additionally each role has required on-line and in person training, as well as additional training to enhance the scouting experience. Click the button below for Training offerings.
Opportunities for Parents
Parents and Adults, have many opportunities, to be a leader with their scout’s chosen Troop, or volunteer with other scout Unit, District, and Council. Opportunities exist for adults to share your talents, and be an activity merit badge conselor, camp staff, instructors or even office assistants.
Adults also can take training classes like Woodbadge which can give them leadership skills and techniques which can further their own career.
Groups like the Camp Decorah Corps can always use individuals with building and maintenance tasks.
Scout Shop
Local Scout Shop, La Crosse, WI
National BSA Scout Shop
Our Local Council
Gateway Area Council #624 - 2600 Quarry Rd., La Crosse, WI 54601; Toll-Free Number 888-366-9237; Fax Number 608-784-4047
Serving Youth in Houston County, Minnesota and Buffalo, Crawford, Jackson, Juneau, La Crosse, Monroe, Trempealeau and Vernon Counties in Wisconsin.
District Setup of Council Area and District Divisions
List of Troops in the Area
See the list of troops
Cub Scout to Scouts BSA Transition
The Cub Scout grade 4 & 5 years dens called Webelos, works to prepare the adult provided program to a youth led program in Scouts BSA, for more click here.
On-Line News and Resources
Gateway Area Council Newsletter - Latest Newsletters - Weekly News and Info - Official site of the BSA
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