BB & Archery Range Master Training

April 16th, 9am-4pm @ Camp Decorah

Get your leaders trained as BB & Archery Range Masters! This certification is good for 2 years. Leaders must have this training to operate BB or Cub Archery ranges at any Camp Decorah or other council sanctioned event. The training also covers catapolts, sling shots, and wrist rockets. 

Archery Training runs from 9am-Noon, with a one-hour break for lunch (not included), and then BB Training runs from 1pm-4pm. You may choose to attend one or both halves of the training. 

The cost of the training is $5 for each half day section. You will recieve a binder of course materials and handouts and a training certification card. Shooting equipment for demonstrations and practice will be supplied, no need to bring your own with you. 
Please bring a notebook, writing utensil, and a sack lunch. 

The class will be taught in accordance with the syllabi outlined in the BSA Shooting Sports Manual, which is included below. The full Shooting Sports Manual and program specific information can be found at:

NOTE: This Archery training is for CUB SCOUT ARCHERY ONLY; leaders desiring to run Archery for Troops/Crews must be certified as USAA Level 1 Instructors. Anyone interested in running ranges for Firearms of any kind need NRA RSO and Instructor certifications.

A reminder to those Scouters who work with Cub Scout Packs: BB gun and Archery ARE NOT A DEN OR PACK APPROVED ACTIVITY. They may only be done at council events at Camp Decorah or approved ranges. This can be at already established events, or, if Scouts are interested in more opportunities to participate in shooting sports, new events can be created 

File Name Description
Rangemaster Training Syllabus Syllabus from the BSA Shooting Sports manual Download