Scouts BSA Events
Each Troop will plan and host their own activities and events for their youth. Additionally, the Gateway Area Council will offer several activities and events for the troops as welll. Most are held at Camp Decorah, and some will be held at other local venues.
February provides Scouts a great opportunity to learn and earn all that they can with Merit Badge Day, which will will normally be held on the first Saturday in February and the second Saturday in November. (2024)
Scout Climbing Day at Winona State
In February, Scouts can go climbing on the indoor wall at Winona State University. This will be held on the second Saturday in February in 2025.
Scout Sunday
February celebrates the inception of the BSA and the 12th Scout Law - Reverent. Attend Church, Temple, Synagogue, Mosque, or your place of worship on Feburary 8th (the anniversay of Scouting) or the 1st Sunday in Feburary as Scouts around the Nation express their Duty to God and remember how Scouting in the USA began.
February brings a winter adventure to all District Scouts! A chilly theme for a chilly day, this event focuses on cold weather activities, winter sports, and fun in the snow! Bring your Troop sled and weather appropriate clothing for this one is always a favorite. Hot chocolate and mystery soup will be on hand. (2024, 2025 coming soon)
National Youth Leader Training
June boasts of the best kind of training around - that's right National Youth Leader Training (NYLT) helps Scouts scout by preparing them for life while learning and applying leadership base activities.
June through July boasts one of the major camping highlights for the summer - that's summer camping at Camp Decorah.
October holds the largest event in the Gateway Area Council, the Spook-o-Ree. A weekend of spooky stories, hayrides, and carnival games along with camp activities wrapped in a costume contest. Best of all Scouts receive the chance to do a good turn by helping, leading, and running events for area Cub Scouts. (2024)
High Adventure Activities
Get your motor running to these AMAZING high adventure treks that will create memories to last a lifetime.
- Florida Sea Base
- Northern Tier High Adventure
- Philmont Scout Ranch
- Summit Bechtel Reserve
- National Jamboree (2026)
- World Jamboree (2019)
- Order of the Arrow High Adventure
Plan and reserve your winter camp experience all online!
Resources and Forms for Camping
- Annual Health and Medical Form: Health Form – for short term or long term events.
- Frequently Asked Questions for the Health Form are found here
- Guide to Safe Scouting: A guide the help leaders providing safe/age appropriate programs.
- The official online store for Boys Scouts of America merchandise.